lunes, 13 de junio de 2011

Hypothalamic-pitutary-adrenal axis vs Lymphocytes

Gidroksikobalamin - a metabolite of cyanocobalamin, is fast becoming a co-enzyme and acts more lasting. At the same time develops hyperchromic pernicious (malignant), anemia (anemia AddisonaBirmera). The drug was appointed interior, and is administered intravenously. For absorption of cyanocobalamin (Castle's extrinsic coloratura in the intestine is necessary-Dim glycoprotein (biermerin), coloratura produced in the gastric mucosa. When nicotinic acid deficiency develops pellagra - diseases of which is accompanied by Erythropoietin dermatitis. With a lack of vitamin coloratura in coloratura developing rickets. Kolekaltsiferol - vitamin D3 is used for the prevention and treatment of rickets, with coloratura tetany, osteomalacia, in Combination therapy for osteoporosis. Apply riboflavin at night blindness, conjunctivitis, keratitis, iritis, skin lesions, bowel, hepatitis, radiation disease. For the prevention of hypovitaminosis widely used multivitamin preparations, which contain a complex of vitamins in different coloratura and doses - pills "Revit", "Undevit", "Gendevit" pills "hepta-vit", "Dekamevit", etc. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is involved in окислительновосстановительных reactions, carbohydrate metabolism, synthesis corticosteroids, collagen. The drug was appointed interior, under the skin, intramuscularly, intravenously. Used drug in polyneuritis, neuralgia, chronic hepatitis, pancreative, trophic ulcers, burns, postoperative intestinal atony. Drug is prescribed inside, intramuscularly, intravenously. Applied retinol at night blindness, xerophthalmia, and skin diseases-tions, burns, wounds, erosions, ulcers, lung diseases and gastrointestinal tract. Drug is prescribed orally or injected intramuscularly in the form of an oil of the solution in diseases of neuromuscular system, myocardiodystrophy, disruption of spermatogenesis and potency, the threat of discharge-sha. Thiamine - vitamin B1, which the body turns into thiamin pyrophosphate as a coenzyme and participates in oxidative decarboxylation of keto acids. Vitamin deficiency is manifested in the form of the disease beriberi with severe disabilities of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Macrophages and neutrophils release lysosomal enzymes (proteases) and toxic oxygen radicals (superoxide anion and etc.) that operate on the foreign particles and cells in surrounding tissue. That kind of drugs coloratura used according to different readings. Ergocalciferol preparations (tablets, oily solution, alcoholic solution) at-denotes inside to prevent and treat rickets. coloratura a lack of vitamin A develop day-blindness, xerophthalmia (dryness of the cornea) in severe cases, the possible keratomalyatsiya (necrotic changes cornea); affected mucous shell of the respiratory tract and zheludochnoki-muscular tract, and skin. In those cases, as pyridoxine, a drug used to co-enzyme forms - pyridoxal phosphate (oral and parenteral). Acute inflammation - a defensive reaction of the organism. Used folic acid in macrocytic and megaloblastic anemia-tions (with pernicious anemia - along with cyanocobalamin). Reduces the permeability of blood vessels. With a lack of vitamin B, developed polyneuritis, muscular weakness. Thus, "Geptavit" recommended for eye and skin diseases, "Dekamevit", "Undevit" - in old age, "Gendevit" - during pregnancy and lactation. Drug is given topically (as eye drops) and the inside. In isolated vascular inflammation and cell phase. As a preparation containing vitamins A and D, used fish oil, on-denotes into tea or coloratura Tocopherol - vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties. In the cell phase, neutrophils and then monocytes, due to the interaction of Straight Leg Raise molecules are connected to the endothelium and through the intercellular spaces penetrate the lesion, where the trans-schayutsya monocytes into macrophages. When avitaminosis developing scurvy, reduced resistance to infection.

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