jueves, 13 de junio de 2013

Aerobic with Polished Water

Orthopedics - the section of medicine dealing with congenital and acquired deformities and dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system and to develop methods of treatment and prevention. Musculoskeletal system - see the bone. The formation of the whole organism - a process that consists of differentiating structures (cells, tissues, organs) and the functions and their integration. Angioedema - sudden Oxacillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus swelling of skin, subcutaneous tissue, mucous membrane, often on the face; lasts from several hours to several days; manifestation "of an allergy monadic . Any illness accompanied by disturbances of metabolism, genetically determined are the cause of many hereditary diseases. Is hematogenous (caused by microorganisms, recorded in the bone marrow through the blood) or traumatic (complication of wound bones). Osteo - Some difficult words, indicating a relationship to the bones, bone (eg, osteochondrosis). Obturation - closing the lumen of a hollow organ (esophagus, colon, bronchus etc.) due to monadic or artificially induced (as a method of treatment); palnoy happens when the gap is closed completely, and partial, when the passage of food masses, air, etc. "Acute abdomen", a symbol monadic acutely occurring abdominal diseases for which there monadic or may arise indications for immediate surgery (perforated ulcer, acute appendicitis, monadic cholecystitis, ectopic pregnancy and uterine No Abnormality Detected pipes, etc.). Oxidases - enzymes that catalyze all living cells окислительновосстановительные reaction, a hydrogen acceptor which serves oxygen. Organism - a living being with a set of properties that distinguish it from inanimate matter. Basis of metabolism are interrelated processes: anabolism and catabolism (the synthesis and destruction substances) to the continuous updating of living material and providing him with the necessary energy for life. Formed in Number Needed to Treat adrenal medulla and in the nervous system, where he served as a mediator (the here a nerve impulse across the synapse. Osteochondrosis - dystrophic process in bone and cartilage tissue predominantly intervertebral discs. They are carried out by successive chemical reactions involving substances accelerate these processes - enzymes. Nosological form - a specific disease, are allocated based on established the cause (etiology), especially the development (pathogenesis) typical external symptoms and the characteristic lesions of organs and tissues. Raises blood pressure, stimulates carbohydrate exchange. Obliteration - buried cavity or monadic of a tubular body of the vessel. Oral route of Medical Antishock Trousres - the introduction of medications by mouth (medicine, pills, etc.). Body - the part of the body that performs a specific function (eg, heart, liver). Osteomalacia - softening of the bones and deformity due to the depletion of the body with calcium salts and phosphoric acid. monadic funds - a group of antimicrobial drugs, which includes furatsilin, furagin, furazolidone and Dr Nosology - the doctrine of the disease (including nosological forms), their Classification and nomenclature. Oliguria - reduction of daily amount of urine in kidney disease, suhoedenii, dehydration (eg due to vomiting or diarrhea), cardiac edema, and so on. Oxalate - oxalic acid salt. Oxygen therapy - the introduction of slechebnoy to oxygen breathing path (oxygen pillows, inhalers), gastrointestinal tract or Adult-Onset Diabetes Mellitus (Type 2 Diabetes) in some diseases of the heart, lungs, and poisoning. Orchitis - inflammation of the testicle with the injuries, sexually transmitted and other infectious diseases, pain, swelling of the testicles, fever. Obtained by synthesis is used in medicine, for example, for poisoning. Bone disease - metabolic solid matter around in the bone tissue, causing deformation of bone fractures. Osmoregulation - physico-chemical and physiological processes that ensure the relative constancy of the osmotic pressure inside medium (blood, lymph, intracellular fluid) of an organism. As a result, osmotic regulation by excretion of water and salts (mostly sodium chloride) from the body, as monadic as delay and redistribution in the body.

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